We contribute to bringing positive improvements to your business model, helping to save costs as well as the professionalism in the operation management process from our leading partners.
System software on web-app platform for full-featured operation management unit
Mobile app for residents on IOS and Android easy to use, interact and many gadgets
Mobile app for management & company leaders to easily control work and smart reports
PiHome has been improving each and every feature of this wonderful product with a deep understanding of the business model, the understanding of user behavior to create the most complete and complete technology product. a professional, optimal and modern technology product development process.
Centralized management system for management unit on web-app platform, many buildings on the same system with private brand for partner.
Beautiful and friendly interface with optimized behavior for all classes of residents. Easy to download & use.
Help the Management Board easily interact with residents, receive vivid visual reports in real time.
Pihome is packed and integrated with all processes, regulations, rules, and forms for the perfect operation of a building that is the value that differentiates the market today.
PiHome has researched on dozens of management models from leading partners to small units to create a technology model that can be fully met in terms of business and flexible deployment needs of condominium operation management unit. We are proud to be the first product on the Vietnamese market that closely follows and has the ability to customize according to the needs of each partner & business model, management level.
PiHome builds a smart, accurate fee management model with optimized process from input data input, monthly fee notification as well as residents' payment management close to actual needs.
The centralized management model of many apartments allows optimal management of each apartment, block, apartment to accurate and easily updated resident data.
Residents' notices, news and handbooks are delegated to the staff in charge for easy management, residents receive notifications via the app.
Resident's feedback is intelligently streamed to help the Management Board respond quickly and professionally
Help the technical department and the Management Board to checklist and control the work and materials easily in science
The apartment facilities are optimized for effective use. The Management Board easily deploy services for residents to conveniently, increase income & create a living space for residents.
We have prepared all the documents you need to ensure that you will not encounter any difficulties during use.
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