PiHome Terms of Use
PiHome includes the foundation (service software) and packaging software to help manage and operate the apartment building on the 4.0 technology platform, operated and developed by PiHome Technology Joint Stock Company. In addition to supporting online technology tools, we do not participate in the Customer's direct use. Customers who agree to use PiHome as their business working platform will automatically agree to this Term of Services.
PiHome Technology JSC reserves the right to modify the content of these terms of use at any time. We will notify you when there is an update in the Terms of Use.
1. Definitions
PiHome: It is the platform (service software) that supports efficient operation and work in the enterprise, and is commercially run at https://pihome.asia/. In addition, PiHome also provides packaging solutions on demand for apartments, buildings, office buildings, commercial centers, dormitories, inns, ...
PiHome Technology JSC: owns and fully exploits PiHome platform as well as related products. All exploitation cooperation must be approved in writing.
Customers: Are Organizations or Individuals wishing to use the PiHome platform or use one of the solution products developed by PiHome Technology JSC.
Customer's system: It is a system that has access rights to Customers by PiHome. This is an efficient working space for the Customer and the individuals licensed by the Customer to use.
User account: Is the user account on the Client's PiHome system that the Customer creates rights for that user. For each system, the customer has the full right to grant use rights to his employees participating in the system. By sending a link to join the system to different email addresses, the Client agrees to grant the right to use the Client's system to the individual and / or organization that is the owner of that email. Each successful registration of username and password via the link sent by the Customer is counted as 01 user account.
2. Customer's PiHome system
During the registration process, the Client will create an account and a password.
It is the Customer's responsibility to keep his password and account confidential and be solely responsible for all activities related to the Client's account.
For each system, depending on the level of the subscription package, the Customer can create an account for his employees to join the system. The number of accounts used depends on the subscription fee.
Customer informs PiHome immediately when anyone uses their account or password without permission or any security error, and ensures Customer logs out (logout) from account after each session. use. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss, damage or other liability if the Customer fails to comply with this or due to unauthorized access to the Customer's account.
In the event of a dispute between two or more parties over ownership of an account, the Customer agrees that PiHome will be the sole arbitrator of such dispute and our decision (which may include termination or suspension disputed account only) is final and binding on all parties.
3. Privacy protection
PiHome keeps all information of the Customer confidential and the contents of the Customer's accounts exchanged and stored on the platform as well as the products operated and developed by PiHome. We will implement and maintain all necessary internal protective measures and within our ability; administrative, physical, and technical to protect the security and integrity of Customer data.
PiHome is committed to:
Do not actively change the data generated by the Client. This does not imply that the software system can automatically resize and format the data to suit its display purposes and functions.
Do not access the Customer's data except in the case of technical error correction or at the request of the Customer or where it is required by law.
Do not disclose Customer data except in one of the following cases:
(i) Having the consent of the Customer;
(ii) Must comply with the provisions of law;
(iii) Fall into the case specified in these Terms of Use;
However, PiHome has the right to proactively or automatically access information about existing accounts on the system (including full name, email) for certain purposes, including:
Notification by Email to Customer of new features.
Contact Customer directly for technical or other support to increase user experience.
PiHome reserves the right to use the Client's name for marketing purposes or in promotional campaigns, to introduce products or in conversations or exchanges with our other Clients or other potential Clients. PiHome. For example, PiHome can give Guest name