Who we Are ?

Who we Are ?

Who we Are ?

Who we Are ?


Founded Date: 26/09/2019 - Representative: Mr Tran Ba Thin - Certificate of business registration number 0315917583, issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City, VN

  • Headquarter: 50/15/23 Duong Quang Ham St, Ward 5, Go Vap Disctrict, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  • HCM Office: G001D Phu Nhuan Building Tower, 20 Hoang Minh Giam, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
  • Ha Noi Office: 3rd Floor, G1 Building, Five Star Garden, No 2 Kim Giang Street, Ward Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi City, VN
  • 125+
  • 45,000+
  • 150,000+

Take a tour

What does PiHome offer you? Learn more about us through the video below. We are an authorized partner of Viettel Group, PiHome version is a continuation of Homemee version previously launched with comprehensive upgrade.


Our greatest asset is our team. People who strive every day to help their customers work better. Those experienced, passionate and enthusiastic members are also the reason why PiHome is developing rapidly and bringing pioneering value in the market. At PiHome, we build a collaborative, cohesive, sincere, customer-centric and enthusiastic environment where we always challenge new standards with determination, perseverance, creation. We are always looking for team members who are passionate about success, eager to learn and develop, and are determined to help partners and customers in the inevitable digital transformation journey.

Board of Director

We have an experience of Digital Transformation Solutions, Deep Tech, Security and Customer Success for Enterprises.

  • Tran Ba Thin

    Tran Ba Thin

    CEO & Co-Founder

    Thin, Strategic Thinker, has 15 years of experience in starting & leading technology product development teams, building digital transformation solutions and operating businesses with successful projects in Vietnam and internationally.

  • Le Hoai Thanh

    Le Hoai Thanh

    CPO & Co-Founder

    Thanh Le, Product Thinker, has more than 10 years of experience leading IT project development teams with leading expertise as a Product Owner, Business Analysis, and Product Manager. QA/QC Management.

  • Pham Thi Mai

    Pham Thi Mai


    Mai Pham, a building operation management expert with 12 years of experience in managing and operating at leading building management and operation units.

  • Le Tuan Chinh

    Le Tuan Chinh


    Chinh is a Technical Architect, with deep expertise in SaaS cloud computing platforms, Microservices technology architecture, Big Data, Data Analysis, AWS, CD/, DevOps.

  • Nguyen Binh Nam

    Nguyen Binh Nam

    CDO & Growth Advisor

    Nam Nguyen (Stephen) is a seasoned solution expert, independent digital transformation consultant, former Lead Solution Engineer at Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft in charge of Southeast Asia market.

Key Members

  • Nguyen Duc Tung

    Nguyen Duc Tung

    BD Manager (HN)
  • Mai Hoai Tien

    Mai Hoai Tien

    BD Manager (HCM)
  • Le Hoai

    Le Hoai

    UI/UX Designer
  • Trinh Nha Khuyên

    Trinh Nha Khuyên

    Customer Success
  • Thao Tran

    Thao Tran

    HR & Chief Accountant
  • Nguyen Van Tinh

    Nguyen Van Tinh

    Technical Manager
  • Pham Cam Giang

    Pham Cam Giang

    Customer Success
  • Le Anh Tan

    Le Anh Tan

  • Ho Tan Vu

    Ho Tan Vu

    Mobile Lead
  • Tran Tuan Kiet

    Tran Tuan Kiet

  • Vo Truong Tho

    Vo Truong Tho



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